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Other Services

Virtual Legal Aid Clinic

Provide virtual consultations with lawyers specializing in domestic violence cases. Victims can receive legal advice from the safety of their homes. Providing secure, anonymous platforms to protect their identity and  confi-dentiality. We offer a chatbot to guide victims through basic legal questions before connecting them with a lawyer.

Digital Safety Education

Educate survivors on digital safety,  including how to secure their devices, manage online privacy, and avoid cyberstalkiing.

Interactive e-learning platform with scenarios that teach survivors how to recognize and avoid digital threats. Partner with tech companies to develop tools that automatically alert users if their devices are compromised.

Teletherapy and Virtual Support Groups

Providing remote therapy sessions and support groups led by licensed counselors. Use encrypted video conferencing platforms to ensure privacy. Develop a mobile app where survivors can schedule sessions, track their emotional health, and connect with peers. Include AI-driven mood tracking and meditation resources within the app.

Children's Healing Program

Specialized counseling and activities for children who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence. Develop a therapeutic play-based curriculum that helps children process trauma. Offer virtual reality (VR)  experiencedesigned to teach coping mechanisms in a safe, controlled enrironment.

Provide parenting workshops that help parents address and heal from their trauma, improving family dynamics.

Safe Haven Network

Provide a network of safe houses or host families willing to provide temporary shelter.

Utilize a decentralized system where victims can quickly find the nearest safe house through an app without revealing locations until after they've been vetted. Partnering with local businesses to provide free or discounted services to survivors, such as groceries, clothing, or transportation.

Emergency Financial Assistance Fund

A fund that provides immediate financial aid to survivors for essentials like housing, transpor-tation, or medical care. Stream-line the application process with a mobile app, allowing victims to apply quickly and discreetly.  Use blockchain technology to track and secure transparency in fund distribution. Provide financial literacy programs to help survivors rebuild their financial independence.


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